Monday, January 28, 2013

Great Tips on how to reduce lag on Planetside 2!

Planetside 2 is an amazing MMOFPS made by Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) on a HUGE scale! With battles raging over 20+ servers on 3 continents per server and THOUSANDS of people playing! With all these people on the server simultaneously you can expect lag from huge battles with tanks rolling in, infantry fighting each other, fighters in the air, and explosions everywhere! Lets say you downloaded the game and got on it the first time. You choose your faction out the three Terran Republic, New Conglomerate, and Vanu Sovereignty and you hop into battle. When you first join your default settings are on high and render distance is on 99999! With these settings your rig might not handle it, unless you have a good enough computer, which I sadly don't. :(